School of Apostolic Warfare and Breakthrough (Module One) Audio Series
The battle for the Kingdom is cosmic-level warfare that exists because the enemy is given free reign over a region until the believers take it back! Believers are called to rule and reign in this life, and to do so, we must know our enemy. Satan has unique ways of dominating and taking over regions through the strongholds of our flesh, but as we embrace the cross and the Father’s love, the enemy flees, and we see a victory of God’s power and grace in a region. The blood of Jesus is greater; the life of Christ in us is more powerful as we take background for the Kingdom! Whenever the church goes after the apostolic and the prophetic, it opens up a sphere of apostolic warfare, and believers must be equipped to deal with Satan’s strategies to quench any outbreak of the true apostolic.
Let’s get prepared and not be fearful! Let us get equipped and not intimidated when it comes to advancing God’s Kingdom!