I Will Not Leave You as Orphans (Video Series)

The orphan-to-son paradigm, outlined so beautifully by Jesus in the Upper Room, is central to the metanarrative of the New Testament. As spiritual orphans, we are adopted and then invited on a heart journey that will, if we are willing, dismantle every stronghold of old orphan thinking, orphan feelings, and orphan behaviors that hold us back from maturing as beloved sons and daughters. This series maps the transformational journey the Father has planned for His adopted sons and daughters. We are all called, in this life, to a journey of intentional sonship that results in our conformity to the image of Jesus, the Beloved Son. Join Phil Mason on a journey that is guaranteed to accelerate you into deep sonship and give you an entirely new lens through which to view the transformational journey. 

This is the Second Module of the Sonship School of Divinity

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