The Foundations of Emotional Health
(Audio Series)
Module Two
The Foundations of Emotional Health Series
Module Two
We are living in a day when mental and emotional health issues are capturing the headlines on an almost daily basis. Pressures are building all around us and putting an increased strain upon the fragility of our hearts. There has never been a better time than now to invest ourselves into a clear biblical vision of mental and emotional transformation. There are several important themes that contribute to a comprehensive biblical understanding of the epic theme of emotional health and healing. In this twelve-week course Phil Mason brings together all the themes from an exclusively biblical perspective so we can see how it all fits together and we can catch a vision of God’s healing agenda for our hearts. God has so much He wants to pour into our emotional healing journey. Jesus said that the Father had literally sent Him into the world to “heal the brokenhearted.” (Luke 4:18). Beyond our personal healing journey, Phil has a vision to see an army of what he calls ‘royal heart therapists’ raised up in the church to meet the tremendous need of wounded and traumatized Christians who need deep-level inner healing and freedom.
This is the second module in a two module series.
Module Two Curriculum
- 09 - Processing Emotional Pain
- 10 - Strongholds of the Emotions
- 11 - Shalom Peace and Emotional Health
- 12 - Emotional Strongholds and Demonization
- 13 - Emotional Health and the Contemplative Tradition
- 14 - Offense and Bitter Root Judgment
- 15 - Gods Remedy for Depression
- 16 - Healing Trauma and PTSD
- 17 - Mature Sonship & Emotional Wholeness